Forum > Admins Application[Closed]

Application Format


First Name:*

Last Name:*



Email Address:*

Skype Name:*

Facebook Name:*


GMT Zone:*

Active Status[Active/Inactive]:*

Hours Online In The Day:*

How Long You've Been In Our Server:*

Do You have Experience in Administration(Minimum 25 Words)?

Have you been Administrator In A Server Before(Dont Tell Name Or ip)?

Why Whould You Like To Join Our Admins Team(Minimum 120 Words)?

What Can You Do To Us(Map / Main Administors Jobs)?

Why out of all the application we should choose you(Minimum 120 Words)?

Do You know That Admins need to be Active And Waste their time helping?

Do you know That Admins Cant lead a Factions?

Do You know That admins cant rp Execpt when there are no jobs and atleast 1 admin on duty?

Do you know That Going Off Duty need premission From Owner?

Can you invite Players to the Server?

If Yes How Much Players?

What you got Experience In(Fac Moderation / Gang Moderation / Shop Techinical)

Do you Agree to stay active and help people?

Do You agree to Leave Your Faction Leadership to be an admin?

Do You have a Teamspeak?

Do You have a Working Micrphone?

Do You Know all Server Rules?

Do You know How to roleplay?

I Agree To Be Active And Help People in the server and never say no and always respect the admins and respond to the Owner

Signed By
[Your Real Name]


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